Is This All There Is?

Darkpact Wrathful - 2 / 3 / 00

Since I very carefully passed through 49 th without dying (yea me), and have now gotten 2 bub into 50 th, I find myself boring rapidly.

I ask myself is that all there is?

With every kill and exp gain I realize it's unnecessary. I have 3 months to get those last 3 bub.

I wander aimlessly though the places that used to be sought conquests for plat, exp, and loot. As I'm unguilded, the voices in my head are as quiet as my battlefields.

I now do what I never did when leveling, I seek camps specifically for items. However, as these items are not easily gotten to, or not common drops I'm really just going through the motions.

I suppose once I settle in some more, and look at it as helping the others to get what they desire, I will be a little happier.

But I still wonder, is this all there is? Gaining experience, level, and item x.

I suppose there would be more with a guild.

I suppose soon I will begin my quests of the world, to see those parts I have yet to see, harvesting souls for Innoruuk on the way (aka holding service).

Summary / Solution / Truth

There are some truly beautiful places in Norrath, take the time to see them all.

The Game is level and item accumulation. Games come and go.

The Life is living the path you have chosen, when the leveling stops, and you have the items you want.

Don't let accumulation of things trap you, do not become so focused and dwell on items so much you loose sight of who you are and what your capable of to shape the world of Norrath.