Sociology and View

Darkpact Wrathful - 2 / 20 / 01

Sociology depends on view, and view varies by region and history.

To give a little history of me; long ago I used to accept donations for rezing, and when asked, I often suggested 1 p per level. I stopped doing that probably somewhere around over 1 year ago real time. I had hit a reasonable level and almost everything I wanted was no drop, so there was really no point in taking plat, as it couldn't buy me anything. It's been my habit for so long to push 'cancel' that I hadn't even really given it a second though. After all, there much younger, I'm older and have been around since the beginning of time. I thought that the plat would do them much more good than it would me.

The other day I pushed 'cancel', as I always automatically did when someone had offered me some plat. He seemed kind of, well, offended. He sent a tell saying he just thought it was polite to offer what he could.

Then it hit me. I have always viewed donations from my view. My personal experience, my history, and most importantly my sociology of my real life area, and the sociology, psychology, and evolving views, of the generation of players that I grew up with in world.

But since that day, I've been thinking.

In some societies it's considered very impolite or improper not to accept a gift that someone gives you. Even if you don't need or want it, it is a gift, and should be accepted in the spirit it was given.

This reminded me of another thing that happened to me in real life. Some people who I was close to last semester gave me a gift (though I don't really see them now). Even though it wasn't really me, I accepted it in the spirit it was given. I have it here in my room, still in it's bag, still with the tag and receipt. But when I look at it, I think of them and smile. It's too late now, but if I could do it over, I would exchange it for something more to my liking. After all it was the giving and their smile I remember, not the physical item.

Summary / Solution / Truth

Social conditioning is part of what makes us who we are as an individual, or group of individuals.

Understanding of other sociological views is part of our daily lives. More so in places like where I live, the Bay Area, CA, or in EQ, where there is a great mixing of cultures. Different cultures have different views and societal norms.

I think from now on I'll probably take the donations as there offered in the spirit there given.

Sometimes I feel bad, because it reminds me of a time when I needed the plat. It made me feel like I was taking something someone else needed that I didn't really need.

But because of that recent day, I've realized that if it's offered, that changes the gift of your rez to a gift of their appreciation and thanks. If they offer something, I will accept it in that form, be it tell, say, or virtual item.

Not everyone says thanks or shows appreciation the same way. Just because it's something unfamiliar to my ways, doesn't mean it doesn't have the same meaning.