Real Life Revival

Darkpact Wrathful - 4 / 24 / 00

I live in a fairly big city, and on Saturday, April 22 nd, I went to a "real life EQ Gathering".

It was a small bunch of people, maybe 10 or so of us were there. We logged into world at an internet cafe and played EQ. Not what I expected from a gathering.

There was no arguing, there was no bitching, there was in fact no sad emotions at all.

In fact 'Team SF' went into E Freeport and took out the Priest of Discord on our first try (never mind that he wiped us silly the next 2 tries, that's beside the point).

There were basically two groups, a 50 ish group, and a younger 20 ish group. We split the day roughly between the two. But all participated as a whole. The 50s helped the 20s camp stuff, and when we went for POD the 20s came and watched, and in some cases flung themselves at the POD.

When it was time for the younger group we got a special item, and one of the young members didn't have that item yet and all were happy to give it to him. No bickering, or any ill feelings, just happiness and handing it off.

Summary / Solution / Truth

For me, I had a lot of fun meeting these people in real life. All of the 'negative' things about the game were removed. Although on the verge of needing to look at the reality of having to sell my house, it was well worth the $40 I spent that day, and I'd do it again without hesitation.

I suppose maybe, in time, if we kept going every week, the corruption would seek in, but for me it was a revival of spirit. Somewhat befitting to Bunny day.

Really not much point to this rant, but this: I had a lot of fun there with the real life people playing. We had some good, non-greedy EQ time. Even when we died we were having fun (partly due to my 50 th rez hehe). But also, as I played Quake 3 with them I wondered...

I thought back on EQ at home, and wondered...

When I got back home, and especially today, the greed and bickering was back. My feelings of happiness at helping others gone, replaced by feelings of sadness that these people, these strangers, can be so dependent on immaterial things to make them happy.

Again I guess no real point here but this; try and remember, there are real people behind those characters. If you remove the greed and hate and competition for items, it's really a fun place to be. It was pointed out pretty plainly to me Saturday, even more so during Quake 3, remove the loot and the camping and the rare drops, and the fun comes back instantly.

Try and remember, you are who you are, naked or with all the best equipment in the game. It's not your equipment you'll be remembering 2 years from now when EQ is in the dust, but the feelings your carrying within your soul from the people your interacting with.

PS to 'Team SF' - I'm impressed with Q3. Next time I'll have played some at home and be more used to it ;>