Plane Loot, a Solution

Darkpact Wrathful - 2 / 28 / 00

Plane loot is a big problem. For those of you who don't know, plane armor drops maybe 1 piece every 1-2 hours. If you divide this by the 3-4 classes on the plane, divided by the 3-12 players of that class, your chances are extremely small to win something.

I myself spent 56 hours in Fear to get my belt, and my boots. In fact, in matter of honor, I was given that belt by someone when they received something (one of the few tradable plane items there are). I talked to a druid who had spent over 400 hours and not gotten all his gear yet. I've heard other clerics who've been there 36 hours or more straight to get their belt.

Last week I gave it a lot of thought. What would be fair to us. What would be able to remove these player priority lists. What would give Verant their share which would require us to be in the planes for x time. And what would give us a reason to break the zone, as Verant wants, instead of just camping.

Here is what I came up with. It is listed in the steps required to make the change occur. This was posted on the E'ci board at EQ Vault, and someone has taken a more formal version to the development board.

Step 0 - Remove all plane drops as they currently stand

Step 1 - Make all creatures of a class type drop a 'class gem'. This gem is No Drop.
Example - Gorgons are for druids, thus every kill of a Gorgon has a 'Vermiculated Gem' on it's body.

Step 2 - Add faction for each kill. Having a required faction level will allow you to proceed to step 3.
Example - Killing a Gorgon gives you 'Fear plane faction'. Killing a Scareling gives you 'Fear plane faction', and on and on for all Fear creatures. Maybe gods count as 25 faction points *wink*

Step 3 - Add, or modify, NPCs in each guild to accept these plane gems and items, to combine to make Plane armor. After a piece of plane is given, the faction is reset.
Most of us haven't been to our guild halls in 20 levels. Lets give them some meaning back. And the idea of a plane gear equipped npc would add pride to each guild.
Example - A druid has spent the required 50 hours in Fear to gain sufficient 'Fear plane faction'. He goes to his 'Vermiculated dealer' and is allowed to exchange his 'Vermiculated Gem' and 'Bronze bracer' (I recommend any piece be allowed, non specific, as this will destroy items and keep the economy purged). In return he gets a Vermiculated bracer, and his faction is reset, thus requiring him to spend time regaining faction in the plane for his next piece. He may have all the gems he needs for all his pieces, but the faction will decide when he gets them.

So, in summary, instead of how it currently stands, where you enter the zone, get in 'line' or are put on a 'vet' or 'breaker' list and proceed to camp for a zillion hours straight it would go something like this...

Daylight Dawnfire enters Fear for her first time. She is a druid. After a few hours the Gorgons start to spawn. She has been killing creatures and gaining 'Fear plane' faction with each kill. The Gorgon is downed, and everyone cheers for her. She loots the 'Vermiculated gem', as one spawns on every kill, there are plenty and everyone already has what they need, so they are very happy for her to start her journey. She then helps kill many other creatures until she needs to go.

At some point she will gain the required faction, she goes to her closest guild hall, turns in the 'Vermiculated gem' and whichever other piece she chooses, to get her Vermiculated item. Her faction is reset and she moves back to fear to regain the faction so she can repeat the step towards her next piece.

Summary / Solution / Truth

The complaints and few drops of the planes is an ever-growing issue. I realize my plan would require reprogramming, but it also satisfies everyone.

Gems drop on every kill, thus everyone has the gems they need. (Some pieces may take more gems than others, a-la class quest armor).

Faction is gained by every kill you help with.

These two factors restore what is now a place of stress and disappointment, with one that is welcoming, fun, and rewarding. Those who don't help don't get faction, so everyone will pull their own weight.

Since faction would be reset after each piece given, Verant can control the time you need to spend in the plane by calculating 'spawn rate x time = faction required'.

The overabundance of gems will reduce the bickering about who gets what to a nonexistent level. The faction required influences everyone to help, especially on breaks as you'd gain more faction in a shorter time period. All classes benefit from all kills. The resetting of the faction for each piece, allows Verant to control how much time you will need to spend to gain your armor.

A good solution in my opinion, please if you support it tell everyone you know, and point them here. I know it's a modification of the class armor, and Sky is a good step towards this goal, but to help Verant see the light, point them here. Maybe they will accept it, or adopt something very similar before things get more out of hand than they already are.

Cooperation, celebration and guaranteed reward will keep us here. Rare drops which promote greed, ninja looting, and popularity clicks, will drive us away.