Pillage and Conquering of new lands

Darkpact Wrathful - 12 / 16 / 99

As we come inevitably closer to the release of the EQ expansion, "the Ruins of Kunark", and the free download additions of "Hole" and "Paineel", I find myself wondering.

At first, months ago I thought it would be cool to pile on the Lizard man band wagon and be a Lizzy, changing primary lives to become someone new and elite. However, as the time has passed, I've started this site, more have started playing on my server, more excitement generates, I have come to realize something; Everyone wants the newest shiniest toy. I will not be elite, special, or rare at all.

Now, I've always known this but never really thought about it before.

For me, being a Dark Elf Cleric is already rare and special. And with every level I gain even more so. More know of my Honor, my views, understand my values and perception, and I know I'm truly unique in this life with my position.

If I were to let it go and become a Lizard man, I'd merely be one of probably hundreds of the 1st lv Lizzys running around in high equipment. Do I really want that? Do I want to trade my special and rare life for something that everyone else will join in on? Can I really compete and shine when I know there will be so many that have so much more time and devotion to being the 'best'.

I think back to my recent decision about Paw and the disaster of the first (and ongoing?) days of Kithicor.

New is unknown. Unknown causes confusion, excitement, and newfound or renewed greed. Paw, from what I've heard, is a good place. Though I'm sure it got piled on in the first few days, becoming ravaged and ransacked so quickly no one knew what was going on where. When you walk in to an empty zone, how do you know you just passed 5 spawn points that would normally destroy you that just happened to be empty at that time?

Before all this thought and conjecture I went to the opening of Temple. Though I did wait till later in the day, and I'm glad. Had I gone earlier I would have been there for what was the crashing of the zone. I may not have even gone the first day, but the second. (I recall now that day there were at least 3 patches). I don't recall how long I waited now, but when I went, phew. The zone was massively crowded. I think there were 100+ in zone. No one knew where anything was, conversations were being crossed so harshly you couldn't follow what the npc was telling you. (Thankfully I turned on log and just deciphered it later, as I knew there would be chaos).

Is it really necessary to do the bran new thing right away? Must you go camp the newest shiniest toy?

Why not wait till things calm and you can look at it as it was meant to be seen? Why not wait a week and buy that new item at a much lower cost?

Take your time, things will still be there later. Wait for the calm. See it as it was meant to be seen and enjoyed.

Summary / Solution / Truth

It's inherent in our nature to want the newest thing, to explore the unknown. But remember this, a new zone (or item) will be piled upon so heavily no one will truly understand or appreciate it.

Give it a while, let it cool down. Let people learn the spawn points, and walk in and see it as it was meant to be seen. Not ravaged by the onslaught that inevitably will happen.

As a wise monster once said...

You've ruined your own lands...
You'll not ruin mine!