My Other Character

Darkpact Wrathful - 11 / 14 / 00

My other charcter does not exist. Sometime people say 'what's wrong with you? Don't you have a twink?'

Long ago, before I found my calling and place in life, long before the Page of Wrah existed, I did have other characters. Now I don't even have a mule.

Last night I lost a roll on a rare item. Several in the group opted to pass on the roll, so it was down to me and two others. One who passed sited their reason was they would only use it on a twink, and thus didn't want a roll. But guess what, a few minutes after the wining roll the winner said 'great my enchanter could really use this'.

This set off some unhappy feelings in the group, as I would have immediately used it, but the winner was sending it to his twink.

This beggs the question; who is more deserving of items?

Understanding both sides of this philosophy, this is a difficult question to answer.

On the one hand, time spent is time spent. The reward should be useable whoever you choose.

But the other view is that you should use it for the character that wins it, or for items they would. (Or that you should only roll if that's your primary character, or that's the character it would be used for.)

Maybe its my pesonal view that; if my costs are covered I don't ever take anything I won't use.

Does living one life mean I am a more valuable player? Maybe.

Does my living a single life instead of multiple limit my understanding of other classes? Maybe.

Does this loss impact my value and feelings about myself and my character? Definateley.

Knowing this item is rare (and only atainable in a post 50 area) and has value to me, makes me sad for the loss. Knowing it was passed from the winner to their twink, makes me again question my value to the group(s) I join. It makes me question when I will start getting passed over for others with better equipment and/or level.

Summary / Solution / Truth

There are those who play for loot.

There are those who live several lives.

There are those who further this by playing on multiple computers at the same time.

There are those who go on every raid under the sun.

And then there are those of us who are none of these things. We who do not, or are unable, to go on raids. Who live a single life, and are happy that way.

Know that not all people play the same way. That some of us don't have the same desires as you. That some don't have the time or desire to put a million hours into camping an item simply because we don't have that yet. Yet, we are also deserving of special, or rare, drops.

Try to remember to balance all things when rolling on these special items. Be fair to all when considering to roll or who should get it.

Remember, you are not alone in this game. Item's that others use, will in fact, aid your battles. Know yourself. Honor others by taking only what will benefit you, and leave what will benefit them for them.