Lone Wolf Syndrome

Darkpact Wrathful - 2 / 28 / 00

I am the lone wolf
I watch your pack as you hunt
I can choose to hunt with you
But I do not need you to hunt

I am the lone wolf
I watch you argue and fight
You must learn who is your leader
I am at peace, my own leader

I am the lone wolf
You must preen and clean
You must be kind and friendly
You need to win favor to be chosen

I am the lone wolf
Your pack grows, evolves, learns
Your pack celebrates it's achievements
I do not need recognition from others

I am the lone wolf
I am alone and satisfied
I don't need anyone's approval or favor
I do not need to be popular, I already am

I am the lone wolf
Your pack hunts for trophies
You decide and argue who is deserving
I find my own without approval, deserving of all I win

I am the lone wolf
When it is cool and calm at night
I am at peace with the stars, the sky, and the land
The moon shines on my coat and warms me
I am happy and free
I am my own master and my own servant

Summary / Solution / Truth

Lately I've noticed the higher I go in life, the more corruption there seems to be. It seems that a lot of things have become not so much skill and ability, but more popularity contests. It may not always be to an extreme, but it's always there.

I remember when young, I'd be one of the last to be picked. The shy, quiet one hiding in the shadows. The shadows where I could watch the others, find there weaknesses and strengths, and be strong in needing neither.

While it's true groups are required to get the nicer items, it's also true that items do not make you who you are. I'd still be the same as I am, even if I were stripped of all I had.

I will never fight to be popular just to gain the aid of others to get an item.

Some choose otherwise, but I am a lone wolf, and happy with the freedom it gives.

Beware the lone wolf, for they need no others. There strength and ability solo unmatched.

Beware the lone wolf, you may just learn something from them. They have been watching you from the shadows a long time.