Hate Resistance

Darkpact Wrathful - 4 / 7 / 00

I've been doing Hate pretty steadily for about a month now. I've gone maybe once or twice a week. School is starting up now, so I'll be lucky if I can get up there once a week.

On our server we have a lot of high level people. When I started going up to Hate the loot was fairly civilized. There was very little arguments, personal honor was fairly high, and people rarely had bad or sad feelings when leaving.

Recently there has been an attempt to organize Clerics going to Hate as a whole. To try and sort out some final loot rules and get things formalized as to what is what. This has stirred up a lot of feelings on all sides.

However, this reminds me of something I've been observing, and mentioned in another post, "The Definition of Evil".

I am basically the only current DE Cleric who is vocalizing my opinions on the board. I'm getting accused of working and arguing only for myself and my points sometimes invalid as I did x, y, or z so many months ago. I often think that this is because I'm 'evil'.

Summary / Solution / Truth

I find it intriguing that because I'm 'evil' and thus show the world my view, opinions and feelings freely, without fluffing them up, without kissing their ass, without being super polite, that this is returned with Hate. Hate begets Hate I always say.

I've been watching over the course of my life, more and more in the higher levels, that those who are of 'evil' races have a higher resistance to the 'negative' emotions, hate, rage, anger, lower reactions to things done wrong that were mistaken in some way. It seems we, who are of the dark races, have a much higher resistance to hate than others.

I don't necessarily find it odd that we do. I don't necessarily find it odd that those who are of 'good' race expect us to be kind, polite, and kiss everyone's ass.

What I do find most intriguing is that the 'goods' don't see how quickly they can become greedy, hateful, spiteful.

Just another observation that seems intriguing to me. 'Evil', oppressed, hated, loners who stay back in shadow, are the ones who are used to the situations. They view things more fairly and fight back that much harder when they see something off, or unjust.

I suppose, those of us who do live this kind of life in the 'real world' are drawn to these races, and thus play them well, as we wear our feelings plainly and proudly for all to see, we need not validate our feelings in any way other than we are who we are.

Interesting that those who are of the 'more beautiful' races are always the ones who loose the fights so quickly to Hate. Ah Innoruuk, there so easily turned.