
Darkpact Wrathful - 2 / 19 / 00

I know I talk about greed a lot, possibly too much. But I'd like to make a few more comments on it because of what's happened the past few days.

These past few weekends, and week nights even on occasion, I've been camping Fear. Now, I have pretty much accepted I'm not going to get my like one item that drops there, but it really worries me.

Last night on two different occasions people asked for rides out of, or directions to walk out, of Fear. Both times there were about a dozen who could teleport them out and pop right back again. Any number of people could have lead them, or given them directions. Yet, neither were told or given anything. They were simply ignored.

Is it really possible that so many people are so consumed with personal greed they can't take out 2 minutes to gate someone to safety and come back for fear of loosing their place or missing out on item x?

Today, I was fairly hopeful. I had found the E'ci boards on EQ Vault, and noticed several raid messages. I thought well good, there is a raid Saturday, and one Sunday. I'll try for both, but probably only get one. Well, it seems I get neither. Again I'm left alone and ignored. Saturdays raid, today, seems to be run by a guild, who shall remain nameless. Despite the fact that at least 3 of the members are what I formerly considered good on-line friends, I received no invite from any of them to join. In fact I was flatly told by one 'sorry guy, guild only, they won't let you come'. I got the name of the leader for tomorrows raid, a supposed "public" raid, and was told "sorry, full".

Now, I'm not really complaining. It is my decision to remain un-guilded. And my decision not to keep contact and hail 20 different people every day to see about getting my gear. I will not force myself upon others to get what I want. I'm evil, but I'm not evil.

What really disturbs me is I'm starting to see a very scary trend of 'your not my friend so you can't have any' appearing.

What also disturbs me is when I don't see anyone I recognize. There is a sea of others surging all around me. This sea is, for the most part, constantly changing and moving. What does this mean? This means people are getting to 50, getting there 'sword of ultimate doom', and then deciding to change characters.

I don't know. I suppose at this point I'm just rambling. This is, after all, being written in my moment of hate, though it is 12 hours after my initial rejections. But it seems to me, as I look around and see the faces changing and the lack of personal care, that people aren't here for the life, there here for the game.

I saw someone outside of Sol B, complaining to someone else they were leveling faster than them. I asked what was up. Apparently they were having a race to see who could get to 50 th faster. I said "What then? Life should not be a race." The one laughed and said 'why I'll start over with a different character of course". It made me think.

Maybe, because of my overly romanticized nature, I'm reading more into this than what is here. Maybe this is not life, a way of living and caring for others, but indeed just a game.

But then I look at what I take with me when the game is off, and think no it can't be that simple...

And I'm afraid...

Afraid at what all this greed and uncaring for others will do in damage to those who believe and live that way.

Summary / Solution / Truth

I think Verant needs to take a serious look at how much drops in the world, and realize that gaining item x is not what the game should be about. That making things 'rare' just hurts matters further, and promotes the greed.

I still wish that all drop times would be at least quadrupled and everything made no drop.

If Verant would wise up and make gaining an item meaningful in some way besides 'you camped for 20, 50, or 100 hours' I think they would have the game they claim to have.

It's sad. Think about it. Each person has 8 visible slots. Let's suppose that plane armor, or anything for that matter, is all you need. Let's again suppose that only one person a day on each server, of each class, hit's 46 th and is allowed into the planes. That means that 112 pieces of plane armor would have to drop in a 24 hour period just to keep up with that one new 46 th of each class. Anyone who's camped a plane knows if your very lucky 6-12 pieces will drop in a 12 hour period. So let's suppose best case, that's 24 in a 24 hour period. That leaves 88 pieces unclaimable, per day, adding up daily.

I don't work for Verant. I don't see the numbers.

All I know is that this is more than just a game. It's life. And more and more lately all I see around me is greed and corruption.

I think back to when I was young, and think, what happened to those days when you would cheer someone and help them gain that next piece of leather armor.

I look around and see that 99% of the population is just using any thin, weak, excuse they can to get their item before others, no matter how deserving. And it makes me sad.