Fair Looting

Darkpact Wrathful - 1 / 1 / 00

During my many travels in dungeons since I hit 40 th I've come across a lot of greed, and what may even be deceit regarding special / rare loot.

I've been trying to come up with a solution that's fair to all, especially those that have been there longer. Today we worked out one in a group I was in (primarily thought up by Icemann) that seems, time ignored, most fair.

There were also a few suggestions that may help with those who have been at camps longer.

I just hate the list rule, I know a lot of others feel the same so here is what we came up with.

There was also a suggestion some may or may not want to incorporate in regards to time. Some have been adding things like +10s to their roll if they have been there longer. I can agree with this, as I have been at camps 6 or sometimes even 12 hours and seen others get things and I got squat. But then at the same time if people are honest and followed the above rule, that would not have been the case.


Special Drop 1

The Shiny Necklace of Special Power

Bob - Rolls 75
Lisa - Rolls 27
Gulak - Rolls 6
Fippy - Rolls 32

Bob wins the Necklace

Special Drop 2

Greaves of Orc Butt Kicking

Bob - Got something, decides he likes what he has, does not roll
Lisa - Rolls 45
Gulak - Rolls 3
Fippy - Rolls 86

Fippy wins the Greaves

Special Drop 3

Sword of Ultimate Killing, Warrior only

Bob - Decides he must have this, Rolls - 36
Lisa - Rolls 15
Gulak - Rolls 8 (it's just not his day)
Fippy - Keeps his Greaves, does not roll

Bob wins the Sword, however, this puts his Necklace up for Forfeit, as he now has something he wanted more.

Lisa - Rolls 47
Gulak - Rolls 1
Fippy - Still likes his Greaves, does not roll

Lisa wins the Necklace

Special Drop 4

Skull of Control

Bob - Likes his Sword, does not roll
Lisa - Likes her Necklace, does not roll
Gulak - Rolls 16
Fippy - Keeps his Greaves, does not roll

Gulak wins the Skull

Thus in this example, 1 person got what they most wanted, and everyone else at least got something.

Summary / Solution / Truth

There are a lot of greedy people out there.

These rules are, I think, a lot fairer so all get at least something. May not be what they hope for, but something is better than nothing.

This rule can work if people are honest and fair.

Try to remember, the point of the game is to have fun, not accumulate items. Don't squabble over items, and remember just because that party member can't use it, doesn't mean they don't deserve a roll as well.