Player Despawn

Darkpact Wrathful - 5 / 23 / 00

Though I no longer go to the planes I do try and check the boards once a day. Since the settling of the Kunark excitement a lot of players have been re-examining what they get out of continuing to play EQ. On E'ci there is about 1-2 post 50 th players that are leaving a week, permanently, and probably several others who are moving to their 'twinks'.

The cost to gain levels gets higher and higher throughout your EQ life. Up till about 20 th level it only takes a few hours to gain level. 20 th - 30 th can be a little harder, you can no longer gain a level each or every few game sessions. From 30 th on you pretty much have a solid average of 24 game hours per level, for the average / casual gamer this becomes a level every few weeks. (I know some can average 1/2 these figures, these are average.) But at 30 th so begin the hells, starting at 30 th and hitting you again every 5 levels after, which cost double the experience to pass (some have additional hells, such as we Clerics have an additional hell at 48 from my calculation). I would wager it probably takes the average person 50-75 days to hit 50 th level.

This is nothing compared to the experience cost it will take you to pass the levels after 50. Personally it's been about over double the highest cost to pass the post 50 levels. 51 st took me over 50 hours, and I'm probably 30 hours into 52 nd and under half way complete. As I said every level before took about 24. I'm not one to group, and grouping can speed the experience gain, but more often it slows it. This means, if I'm very very lucky, I will level about every 2-3 weeks, as I play 24-36 hours a week.

There are a few places in Kunark for you to get good experience post 50 th, those areas having creatures equal to the planes or higher in experience yield, however these places are few and far between. Most places in Kunark are only slightly higher than L Guk, Sol B, etc., being just extended areas of creatures similar to Imps, Fire Giants, or Ice Giants in difficulty.

You do gain a spell or two per level, but these spells are little, if any, improved over previous spells. And some of these spells must be found only by fighting the more difficult monsters.

The slow crawl that is reward post 50 th is making a lot consider 'is it all really worth my time'.

Here lies the real question. To most people the primary reason to play EQ isn't the level or the items, it's the sharing of time with the friends you have met on the way. However reinforced reward by the game can be a very deciding factor. To know you can hang with your friends and definitely gain something, has a very strong pull. Post 50 th you no longer have that guarantee. And thus the question arises 'will I really gain something by being here more than somewhere else'.

To a lot of people EQ fills areas in their life that are lacking, the voids, it gives them ways to reinforce, or be reinforced, in ways they can't get in real life. When EQ no longer satisfies and people choose to leave, does that mean that these voids will instantly be filled in real life? Not necessarily.

I've been a gamer all my life, computer gamer as long as they have existed. I've never had a perfect relationship for any great length of time, and my support structure of friends is by no means complete. To leave EQ would be to loose what little of these aspects are filled, weather they truly are or I just imagine them to be. To me leaving EQ would gain me nothing. I'd be back to the lonely void that is my life. However to stay gains me almost as little.

EQ's strength lies in it gives an online community something to share aside from their feelings. It gives them something that actually in some cases causes feelings.

However, it's now over a year after release. The expansion has not enhanced the game, simply made more of it.

There are other games in the works. Things like; UO2, Tribes, Mechwarrior 4(?), Freelancer, Star Wars Role playing, Neverwinter Nights, Vampire the Masquerade, and the list goes on.

The death of EQ may re-fragment the online gaming community, but I do think that death is on the way. Every day more and more post 50 ths are loosing interest. I myself have droped my EQ gaming time by probably 25% a week to play other games.

Summary / Solution / Truth

Do what you enjoy.

If you are missing things in your life and EQ can replace them, go for it. If EQ is simply a small hobby and your happy and have no voids in your life, more power to you. EQ is on top today, however with the let down of the expansion that top has rapidly become an open coffin.

I always say EQ is a life, but it is your life after all. Remember it's not EQ that is making you happy, but the people behind those faces you see. Make an effort to meet them outside EQ, and you will never loose what makes you happy.

People are a like a puzzle. You need to see all the pieces to figure out how they all fit together. Most are in EQ because they like this aspect about people, they like to figure out others and share themselves. Carry this communication and sharing anywhere you go and you will do well.