
Darkpact Wrathful - 9 / 5 / 00

I've been pondering change a lot lately. What makes us accept it? What influences us to seek it out? What causes us to fight it?

I think back on my many adventures, and the times which stand out most are those which involve those questions. Both in real life and in EQ.

What makes us accept change seems typically to revolve around personal gain. A 'healthy change' being one we ourselves initiate. Or sometimes, though not usually in cases such as EQ, those which remove something which now burdens us, which once did not.

That which influences us to seek it out is a more difficult question. I find most often we seek change when it is to our benefit. What can I learn new, what will I discover there about this, that, or myself. What can I do to make myself appeal more to x?

What I find most often lately is what seems to be peoples inherent desire to fight change. How something different, or not the norm, is inherently "wrong" in our perception. We become familiar with a person, place or thing, then fight changes which disturb that homeostasic balance we have set for ourselves.

Summary / Solution / Truth

Be not unaccepting of change. Be willing to notice and acknowledge it's there all the time all around us. The world, this or any, and all the beings in it, are constantly changing. Be aware and able to change, for with that you can perceive things as they truly are, not how your memory may choose to perceive them.